Sunday, 11 December 2016

Destiny 2: Transferable Characters?

So I wanted to tackle a rather large issue, the transfer from Destiny as we know it to Destiny 2 sometime in 2017. Now I have been around since day 1 and I'm currently the only one of my friends left still grinding, that's alright. But what I've come to realize is that a lot of my friends don't see any reason to grind simply because everyone thinks Destiny 2 is a blank slate. And it very well could be, but here is why it isn't.

My Hunter, Beginning of Taken King
First of all, new characters, sure, why not? New classes? Probably not. New subclasses, maybe. I have a hard time believing there will be entirely new classes, because there isn't really anything in the lore about there being a, I don't know, Ranger, or a Commander or whatever. Destiny 2, is still within the same universe as Destiny 1, so it has to conform to what has already come. Otherwise it wouldn't be Destiny.

So in order for it to still be Destiny it needs to have the same classes, I know some of you are like, "hey, I want new classes and a fresh start." Well yeah, sure, which is why I think that new subclasses are a definite maybe. The kicker to all this is that Bungie has to make some radical changes in order to explain why there are different subclasses or (less likely) new classes completely. This is a sequel, not an entirely different game. We need to remember that.

Now I am not saying that Bungie couldn't pull off some spectacular storytelling, add different weapons/weapon systems, classes, subclasses etc. They have done it before. But I think with the limited time frame this team has had (remember Destiny 1 took ages), there will be a fair amount of familiar territory. 

Finally I want to mention the transfer of your character from Destiny 1 to Destiny 2. I have always wanted this (not my gear or weapons), but my character, my Female Awokan Hunter with all of the aesthetic stuff that I have gained throughout the last 3 years. I think we will be given the OPTION to carry on with our character if A, they keep the classes the same (i.e Hunter, Titan Warlock), and Destiny 2's story happens shortly after Destiny 1 chronologically speaking. If its far in the future or in the past on Saturn, it might not make sense to have the same character.

HOWEVER, I have a hard time believing that Bungie will introduce new classes, or that they will somehow make our character irrelevant through the story.


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