Before I get into it, I just wanted to let you all know that I put a follow button on the left side there. I'd love it if you would drop a follow so that we can keep in touch! Thanks!
I bought this game several weeks ago as I was looking for a game that my wife and I could easily play as well as entertain younger audiences. It has a certain arcade feel which is reminiscent of other dodge car games. Except there are no lanes, you are a drone, and the world is grey and infinite. Okay, that might be a bit of an over simplification. There is a certain thrill and excitement about the game that I haven't found in other games of similar genres.

So the basic premise of the game is that you are a drone, and you have areas that you have to clear, each area is riddled with an array of different obstacles of various shapes and sizes. Some obstacles move and some do not. The drone is solar powered and if the sun goes down then your battery dies. Hence 'Race the Sun'. There are boosts that essentially give you more daylight by speeding the drone up, making it more difficult not to crash, but giving you more battery. The further you get the harder the obstacles are.

I think what blew my mind was the fact that the world is virtually infinite. Sure its kinda grey, but it doesn't end, which is pretty cool. They also randomize it everyday so that there is no identical levels. Yes, there are elements in one world which is the same as the other, but its never in the same place or in the same order. So you can't memorize the track. This gives the game much more replay value, and allows for the average player to have a shot at the daily leaderboard. I made it onto the global leader board during one of my first sessions which was pretty cool and very satisfying.
This is a game that is very simple and has essentially no learning curve. Its fun and thrilling and you always gasp a little before you crash. The only thing that I'm not a huge fan of is the fact that its not a very pretty game; everything is grey and white. Now this game is on PS3 as well, and if there was more attention to detail it would probably be a strain on the system because of how big the world you fly though is. It's also not the point, the game isn't trying to be some artistic giant, it allows the player to experience the simplicity of world which in turn emphasizes the action of flying through many many many obstacles.
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